Addressing Playspace Inequity in Virginia
This spring, VFHY staff and community members headed to Petersburg, VA to break ground on the first of eight VFHY-funded playgrounds that will be built across the state through a partnership with KABOOM!, a nonprofit dedicated to ending playspace inequity.
Play is an essential part of any child’s day. Research has proven that play…
- Supports healthy brain development
- Empower kids’ imaginations
- Helps children develop social skills
- Reduces stress – important given the country is facing a youth mental health crisis
- Helps kids develop an active lifestyle, maintain a healthy weight, and protect their overall wellbeing
But sadly, not all kids have enough play in their day, and playspace inequity is a major reason why.
Partnering with Playspace Equity Experts
KABOOM! describes playspace inequity as “a lack of access to quality playspaces” where kids can feel safe, accepted, and celebrated. Across the country, many communities only have damaged and run-down playground equipment that is not safe for use – or they don’t have a playground at all. Playspace inequity is a social justice issue as well, as communities of color are much more likely than white communities to lack access to quality playspaces.

The Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth takes a comprehensive approach to the health and wellness of kids. The opportunity to work with KABOOM! and invest in playspace infrastructure across Virginia helps kids do what they do best: play.
Michael Parsons, VFHY Director of Programs.
Playspace inequity is a nationwide issue, and Virginia is no exception. Through our partnership with KABOOM!, we have funded eight playgrounds across the state. We collaborated with public schools, nonprofits, and other community spaces so everyone has access to these playspaces.
In 2023, we built playgrounds in Franklin, Greensville, Lynchburg, Culpeper, Emporia, and Vinton, as well as two locations in Petersburg. These eight playspaces will serve an estimated 47,000 kids each year.
But our work to end playspace inequity isn’t over: We’re maintaining our partnership with KABOOM! by committing to building two more playgrounds in the Commonwealth over the next two years.
Stay tuned to hear where we’ll build next!