Grant Writing 101
Virtual Workshop Description
In this workshop, you will learn what to emphasize when seeking funding for your project with state and local funders. Learn how the history of the organization, leadership, staff responsibilities, and data of the community can play a significant role in funding decisions. This workshop will address how establishing a network and rapport with partners is important in positioning your grant request. Classroom discussions will discuss the importance of determining realistic costs for proposed projects, ideas for finding data, and other tips to ensure attention to detail for presenting the best argument and scenario for funding. This workshop will help you to understand the bigger picture behind the submission of a grant and the common mistakes grantees make when they do not perform their due diligence prior to putting pen to paper.
In this virtual workshop, you will:
- learn how to approach funders
- learn to understand the importance of utilizing data and community stakeholder expertise to document the need on which the request is based
- increase the capacity of the organization to develop a strategy for seeking funding
- learn to assist organizations in assessing their capacity to manage a grant
- Explore what contributes to a successful submission
Workshop Instructor
Valerie Liggins Law has 30 years of experience working in the Human Service field in the areas of Juvenile Justice, Behavioral Health, and Philanthropy. Locally and nationally, Valerie has facilitated numerous sessions, workshops, and trainings in the area of Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment, Social Skills Development, Coalition Building, Board Governance, Strategic Planning, Program Implementation and Sustainability, and Trauma Informed Care (ACEs). She is a consultant in her spare time on the content areas of coalition building, strategic planning, board governance, grant writing, and community health needs assessments. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, with a Masters of Social Work Degree and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology.