Youth Empowerment
Y Street
Y Street is the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth’s award-winning and nationally-recognized volunteer initiative for high school students. Since 2004, more than 9,000 Virginia teens have been trained to engage their local communities with strategies for obesity prevention and by advocating for tobacco prevention policies.
Y Street Campaigns
Share the Air is a Y Street campaign that promotes 100% tobacco-free and e-cigarette-free outdoor public spaces such as parks, playgrounds, beaches, and events. Y Street members have collected more than 5,000 surveys in their local communities since 2019 and found that at least 80% of Virginians agree with the campaign’s goal. Share The Air works with Parks Directors and Event boards and provides free signage to support their efforts.
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REV YOUR BEV is a Y Street campaign, which builds upon VFHY’s annual statewide marketing campaign, to promote water by supporting schools’ ability to increase access, availability, and promotion of water. Y Street’s Rev Your Bev Campaign works directly with School Nutrition Directors, Principals, Wellness Committees, and more to provide free resources needed to achieve increased water consumption.
Childhood Obesity Prevention
Learn how we are using straight forward and relevant facts with an empathetic tone to empower teens
Substance Use Prevention
Learn how we are using straight forward and relevant facts with an empathetic tone to empower teens
Tobacco Use Prevention
Learn more about our comprehensive approach which combines programming, marketing, and research

Y Street was my first introduction to merging policy, passion, and advocacy. Y Street created in me a community-driven, people-centered praxis that directly affected the research I chose to invest in.
Shawna Alston
Former Y Street Youth Leadership Team Member
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